Join The Sea of Red during a Nebraska football game day at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Memorial Stadium. With a home sellout streak spanning over 40...
Cheer, cheer for Notre Dame! With the most Heisman Trophy-winning players and 11 claimed National Championships, the Fighting Irish have set an impressive le...
Hail to the victors! The winning attitude is alive inside The Big House, also known as Michigan Stadium, whether it’s from the Michigan Wolverines football t...
MetLife Stadium has been the Jets and Giants stadium since 2010, when it replaced Giants Stadium, the former home of both NFL teams. The open-air, multi-use ...
Come on and cheer, cheer, cheer for Iowa! At Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City, the Iowa Hawkeyes football team packs their five-time National Championship legacy...
The NBA regular season has only gotten more heated with the league’s emerging in-season tradition: the Emirates NBA Cup. In 2024, the league-wide tournament ...
Stadium History | Parking & Admission | Seating & Capacity | Food & Concessions Venue Quick Facts Venue Name Soldier Field Location Chicago, IL A...
Stadium History | Parking & Admission | Seating & Capacity | Food & Concessions Venue Quick Facts Venue Name Paycor Stadium Location Cincinnati, ...