Ticketmaster 10: Jerry Dale McFadden and Eddie Perez of The Mavericks

The Mavericks have been delivering dance parties to the tune of Americana’s finest inspiration points for three decades now – dropping endless joy on audiences through their bright and brilliant fusion of rockabilly swagger, classic country storytelling, and Tex Mex tempo.

The creativity and diversity of their signature sound continues to grow as the group commemorates their 30th anniversary milestone with their shows in 2019 – hitting legendary venues like New York’s Beacon Theatre to Great Britain’s O2 Academy, and hopping onstage with longtime friends Los Lobos in a few select cities, too.

Feel The Mavericks’ joy absolutely radiating through this edition of the Ticketmaster 10, as keyboardist Jerry Dale McFadden and guitarist Eddie Perez offer their shiny perspectives on what keeps them ticking after all this time.

Ticketmaster 10 with The Mavericks‘ Jerry Dale McFadden and Eddie Perez

1. What’s the first song you learned to play and why?

JDM: “Mister Frog is Full of Hops” – When I started piano lessons in 2nd grade, this is one of the first songs I learned from my beginners piano instructional book. I can still play it to this day!

EP: The first song I learned was “Johnny B. Goode” by Chuck Berry. My father’s advice was, “If you can learn this song, you can learn any rock ‘n roll song.” I took it as a challenge!


2. What’s your favorite memory attending a show as a fan, and why?

JDM: I think getting to see Queen in 1980 was definitely a life changing experience for me. I was (and still am) a huge fan. Being a piano player and dreaming of doing something similar in my life, I’m not sure I’ve ever been more inspired than that magical night.  On a side note, when the Mavericks had their biggest success in the UK, in the late 90’s, I got to meet Brian May at the Prince’s Trust Concert in Hyde Park, where we were playing with so many wonderful acts at the time. He was such a nice guy, as I had always imagined that he’d be.

EP: I’ve gone to many shows but my favorite was Paul McCartney. No explanation needed.


3. Describe your performance style in one word.

JDM: Joyful!

EP: I think my performance style in one word is probably “dynamic!”


4. If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be and why?

JDM: David Bowie. I think we would hit it off, and hopefully I wouldn’t be too tongue-tied! He is a hero of mine, but I like to imagine that we would be fast friends in a dinner setting. Sadly, that scenario can never happen. The Thin White Duke is sorely missed.

EP: I’d love to have dinner with Jeff Bridges. He’s The Dude!


5. Fill in the blank: I would be a nervous wreck if I knew _______ was in the audience watching me. Why?

JDM: Elton John. He’s one of my biggest heroes! I would probably piss my pants! I always loved the story about the first time Elton played in L.A. at the Troubadour and was scared to go on because Leon Russell was sitting in the front row – one of his idols.

EP: I’d be nervous if Jimmy Page was in the audience. Why? Well… He’s Jimmy Page!


6. What’s the first lyric you wrote that you were really proud of, and why?

JDM: I’ve written plenty of songs, but I’m not sure there’s one I feel really proud of. I’m a good co-writer, but don’t claim to be a master of that mysterious craft.

EP: My first lyrics were to a song called “Dance In The Moonlight.” It was made with joyous intent, and I think that objective was achieved.


7. What’s your dream collaboration? Why do you want to work with that person?

JDM: I’ve always thought that Jeff Lynne would be amazing to work with, especially with the Mavericks. Our music sometimes fits in that lane with the Traveling Wilburys, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan, George Harrison, and definitely Roy Orbison. Maybe that could happen one day!

EP: My dream is also Jeff Lynne of ELO. He’s brilliant. I’d love to learn how he hears things.


8. Fill in the blank: If a music lover is into ______, ______, and ______, they’ll love The Mavericks.

JDM: Retro music of any kind, beautiful melodies, and loving to dance!

EP: High-end cocktails, stylish affairs, and music from the 40’s through the 70’s.


9. Who do you do it for and why?

JDM: Myself and the fans! My job, which I love, is to bring joy to those in the room. I want everyone to forget their troubles and give in to the music when they are at a Mavericks show!

EP: We do it for ourselves with the hopes that the music resonates with the audience. But mostly for the adventure of it all.


10. What are your words to live by? Any life advice?

JDM: Be yourself. Love everyone. Love IS the answer.

EP: Whatever you are doing at that time, give it your best effort. Great effort never goes unnoticed. It also comes back to you too, so be a bright light in the world… and watch what you eat!




Don’t miss The Mavericks live in 2019 as the band celebrates 30 years of magic on the road – grab tickets here or in the widget below.

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