The history between the two Western Conference competitors began on October 21, 1980, which saw the Suns win 111-99. However, their rivalry began to take roo...
The Chicago Bulls and the Cleveland Cavaliers have been playing against each other since the 1970s. However, it wasn’t until the Michael Jordan era of basket...
Memorial Stadium is considered one of the best stadiums to watch college football. With an average attendance of nearly 80,000 fans, it's easy to see why the...
State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona, is a magnificent place to see an Arizona Cardinals game or other live event. However, it can be tough to decide what...
The Charlotte Hornets and Chicago Bulls are NBA rivals, mainly because the current majority owner of the Hornets is Michael Jordan, one of the greatest baske...
When Do the Memphis Grizzlies and the Minnesota Timberwolves Play Next? Memphis Grizzlies tickets and Minnesota Timberwolves tickets can be found on their re...
The playoffs have been the driving factor in the rivalry between the Miami Heat and the Chicago Bulls. Backed by one of the greatest players of all time, Mic...
The Denver Nuggets and the Philadelphia 76ers have an interconference rivalry within the National Basketball Association. Since they only play twice a regula...